Show 3 – 21/04/2016
On this week’s The Quietus hour we’ve a new slot called Persuasion, whereby we want YOU to get in touch with us to cajole us into playing a song you’re particularly loving at the moment. Full details if you listen in, but if you’re a lazy swine here’s the basics – you can call 020 3393 6395 and leave a message persuading us to play a song of your choice on the next show.
John gives details of what is and isn’t expecting on the show, along with a new analysis of the latest in music news and our first film review slot.
There’s also the best new music from Daniel Patrick Quinn, Selvhenter, Gaika, Eva Bowen, Xiu Xiu doing Twin Peaks and Marissa Nadler, plus a new life-saver Velvet Underground cover by Brian Eno, ANOTHER cover of Do You Think I’m Sexy, Coil and Barıs Manco & Kurtalan Ekspre.
That’s not to mention the chat you love on Luke’s battles with woodpeckers in Epping Forest, England’s Hidden Reverse, brutal piratical death methods and Spencer’s new record shop in Margate.