Show 32 – 16/03/2017

A combination of consumptive illness, the psychedelic mania brought on by a zero carb diet and a case of the giddy aunts triggered by the reappearance of the sun means that Luke Turner and John Doran’s chat is even less passable and coherent than normal. Their gibbering careens through a bizarre landscape populated by the mad black magic monks of Tilburg, why a turd in an icecream cone is not necessarily art and the bum dungeon/underlit dancefloor split… the finest of all the splits. They also ask the question that everyone’s been thinking but not dared voice: which music magazine has the hardest writers. Thankfully the show features great new music by the likes of Jane Weaver, Darren Hayman, Cairo Liberation Front ft. Al Lover, Fixmer/McCarthy, Desperate Journalist, Oxbow, Umoja and the Magnetic Fields. We were also blessed by the diva-like panting of Todd The Dog. (With apologies to everyone John insulted because he was carb-deprived and thanks to producer Mighty Seb White.)

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